
Photo of Peter Watts

Peter Watts

Fish to Mars is based on an idea by Peter Watts

Peter Watts is a former marine biologist, flesh-eating-disease survivor and (according to the US government) Undesirable Element  whose novels— despite an unhealthy focus on Space Vampires— have become required texts for university courses ranging from Philosophy to Neuropsychology. His work is available in 20 languages, has appeared in over two dozen best-of-year anthologies, and has been nominated for around 50 awards from a dozen countries. His (somewhat  smaller) list of 17 actual wins include the Hugo, the Shirley Jackson, and the Seiun.

He lives in Toronto with his wife (fantasy author Caitlin Sweet), four-and-a-half cats, a pugilistic rabbit, a Plecostomus the size of a school bus, and a gang of tough raccoons who shake him down for kibble on the porch every summer. He likes all of them significantly more than most people he's met.

Photo of Christer Hjelmeland

Christer Hjelmeland


Photo of Carlton R. Pennypacker

Carlton R. Pennypacker

Astrophysicist, University of California, Berkeley

Carlton R. Pennypacker is an astrophysicist at the University of California, Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and is the principal investigator for the Hands On Universe project.  Hands-On Universe is a system for enabling modern astrophysics (using charge coupled device images) to be taught in secondary school classrooms, and its partner program the Galileo Teacher Training project, has reached over 50,000 classrooms around the world.

Dr. Pennypacker has been motivated by the power and potential of student and scientist partnerships when teachers and students started discovering supernovae in the Hands On Universe project. Some of his discoveries have been featured in the news media [1][2]

He was awarded the Prix Jules Janssen of the French Astronomical Society in 2010.

Dr. Pennypacker has spent much of his career as a research astrophysicist, receiving his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1978. His principal research was the studying of supernovae and the building of techniques for their automated discovery. With Rich Muller, he co-founded the Berkeley Supernova Search, which later became the Supernova Cosmology Project. He shared the 2007 Gruber Prize in Cosmology[3] and the 2015 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics[4] for the Supernova Cosmology Project's discovery that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

His collaboration with Bergen and Stord good people is a source of inspiration and joy for him, and he views Science Operas as a system with good potential to help change the world in a positive way.  The Photonic Drive system for he Gadfly is being conceptually designed by his students and him, and he hopes perhaps someday a real one may be built to really bring Fish to Mars!

Photo of Lise Øvreås

Lise Øvreås

Professor in Microbiology

I am a microbial ecologist interested in microbial diversity as well as studying temporal and special patterns in the distribution and abundance of species. My special research interests are within genetic diversity and population dynamics of microorganisms in their natural environments, population ecology and community ecology. Another important topic that I study is the natural variation in microbial community composition as well as the regulation of biodiversity and adaptability of a microbial community to external stress factors. My current work is focused on studies of microbial diversity along environmental gradients and in the evolution of biogeochemical cycles. It is also focusing on the ecology of terrestrial and deep sea hydrothermal vents, diversity along salinity and pH gradients and in arctic soil to explore the physiological ecology of key populations. I use interdisciplinary approaches in the interface of microbiology, ecology, mathematics, as well as informatics and computer science.

Photo of Hilde Strand Dybevik

Hilde Strand Dybevik

Scientist, Department of Biological Sciences

I am a marine biologist and sponge taxonomist. I currently work as a research assistant for the European Union’s Horizon 2020 SponGES project, and as a communication advisor at the iSCOPE/Fish To Mars project at the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen.

Photo of Hans Tore Rapp

Hans Tore Rapp

Professor, Department of Biological Sciences and K.G. Jebsen Centre for Deep-Sea Research

I am marine biologist with main interest in systematics of benthic invertebrates deep-sea ecosystems. My research is currently focusing around taxonomy and ecology of sponges forming sponge grounds in temperate and Arctic waters through the EU-funded project SponGES ( Since the discovery of hydrothermal vents on the Arctic Mid Ocean Ridge I have also been working on describing the novel and specialized Arctic vent fauna on this ridge system, including species composition, zoogeography, symbioses and physiological adaptations. Our studies of the vent fauna have been combined with similar studies on cold seeps, mud volcanoes and whale/wood falls and seamounts, and we are aiming to investigate the phylogeography/genetic connectivity and colonization- and immigration patterns of the fauna in chemosynthetic habitats. The novelty and rarity of the biota found in these areas in combination with an increasing interest in mining of the associated mineral deposits have recently directed my research focus towards conducting thorough baseline studies and environmental impact assessments in these vulnerable deep sea ecosystems. The main aim of this work is to enable us to give proper advice to management bodies in their work developing management plans for the Nordic Seas, covering specialized and vulnerable ecosystems as hydrothermal vents, sponge grounds and soft-coral gardens, that are potentially affected by utilization of the mineral resources.

Photo of Veline Høyland

Veline Høyland

Salg- og markedssjef, Akvariet i Bergen

Photo of Tone Ulvatn

Tone Ulvatn

Scientist, Department of Biological Sciences

I am a marine biologist that works on deep-sea sponges. I am currently employed as a research assistant for the European Union’s Horizon 2020 SponGES project. I contribute to Fish To Mars’ science communication work.

Photo of Oded Ben-Horin

Oded Ben-Horin (2017-2018)

Chair, Department of Arts Education, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Oded Ben-Horin is the Head of the Arts Education Department at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. He is the developer of the “Write a Science Opera” teaching approach, and coordinates the Global Science Opera. Oded is a steering committee member of the Center for Creativities, Arts and Science in Education (CASE). He has coordinated several EU projects in the field of art/science inter-disciplinarity in education.

Photo of Eli Kristine Økland Hausken

Eli Kristine Økland Hausken

Adviser, University Museum of Bergen

Photo of Christer Fasmer

Christer Fasmer

Flimmer Film - Trailer

Photo of Chris Møller

Chris Møller

Vocalist (2018)

Chris Møller (b.1975) holds a Master of Specialized Cultural Science, KUA, UiB (2012), currently a professional musician. Works in a broad musical field that covers guitar tutoring/teaching to songwriting, performing and recording. Has established himself as a renowned local name in long chain of rock-bands, in addition to commissioned performances for Bergen-based artists like Enslaved, Magnet, Datarock, Ole Hamre, and many more. Relevant to his role in Fish2Mars, he has enjoyed acting as recreational to the Bergen Opera Choir the recent years, executing classics as Verdis “Macbeth” and Brahms “Requiem” in 2018. as well as being a metal head. Will continue his journey and examine his passions for classical guitar, his beloved students and his zeal for Science Fiction. Dreams of his retirement with his family as a Martian moisture farmer.

Photo of Stine Hommedal

Stine Hommedal

Communication adviser, Institute of Marine Research

Photo of Torny Aarbakke

Torny Aarbakke

Director of Communication, Institute of Marine Research

Photo of Kim Holm

Kim Holm

Artwork & Scenography

Kim Holm (1980) er en kunstner fra Bergen som jobber med frie arbeider i utallige former, for å spre anarki og frihet.Som tegneserieskaper utga han alt fra selvbiografiske kruseduller til den kritikerroste adapsjon av H.P. Lovecraft sin grøsser "Pickman's Model". Han var regelmessig bidragsyter og illustratør i Nemi i mange år.

Siden 2010 har han brukt sin mørke og brutale penselføring til å dokumentere metalkonserter, og har publisert over 1500 konsertskisser av band som Enslaved, Satyricon, Mayhem, Taake, Neurosis, Faith No More, Entombed, At The Gates og utallige andre. Han har også gjort anerkjente platecovere for Vreid og Solstafir, og arbeidet med band som Kampfar og Shining(SE).

For Vreid har han også animert til videoen "The Reap" og nå regissert sin første video med "Solverv".

Kim Holm sitt arbeid er politisk nøytralt i innhold, men eksplisitt politisk i form. For å argumentere for opphavsrettsreform utgir Holm alle sine egne verker under åpne lisenser, slik at folk kan laste de ned, bruke de, og videreformidle de fritt.

For tiden jobber han med å finne sin stemme som billedkunstner, etter at han, for sinnroens skyld la tegneseriene på hyllen julen 2017.

Photo by Jarle H. Moe

Photo of Gro I. van der Meeren

Gro I. van der Meeren

Senior scientist, Institute of Marine Research

I’m an ecologist/ethologist with experience in crabs and lobsters in coastal waters. I was involved in crustacean behaviour, ecology, neurology biology, and sea ranching since 1984. Since 2007, I have been working with marine ecosystem management in national (marine management plan-related) and international settings (ICES WGINOR, WGIBAR and WGECO, IndiSeas 2), the Hjort Centre for Marine Ecosystem Dynamics.  I’m also involved in ICG COBAM-OSPAR and The Norwegian Nature Index. This includes insights in research and data on all trophic levels as well as oceanography. My expertise is biodiversity, food webs, ecosystem assessments and MSP, and impact of governance on marine ecosystem management. Beside more than 25 years at the IMR, I have been leading the independent "Integrated Marine Biosphere Research Project, IMBeR" in 2016-2017, as executive officer. I also work with scientific communication to citizens, schools on all levels and I am in charge of the Centre for Excellence in Biology Education (bioCEED) with Universities in Bergen (UiB) and at Svalbard (UNIS). I am also member of the board of the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre.

Webpage. Photo: Steinar van der Meeren

Photo of Rolf Brudvik Edvardsen

Rolf Brudvik Edvardsen

Senior scientist, Institute of Marine Research

I am a molecular biologist conducting research in the Reproduction and Growth group at IMR. I mainly work with salmon, but also halibut, haddock, cod, calanus and salmon louse. The methodology is wide from bioinformatics studies (GWAS, epigenetics, transcriptomics) to gene editing (CRISPR-cas9). The scientific questions are also differing much between the projects, but with an emphasis on using genomics to explore reproductive mechanisms in salmon.

Photo of Jonathan Soulé

Jonathan Soulé

Senior Engineer, bioCEED & Department of Biological Sciences

I am senior engineer at the Centre for Excellence in Biology Education, bioCEED and teaching technician at the Department of Biological Sciences, UiB. I contribute to Fish To Mars in the form of logistics and technical solutions for the show (props, screens, videos, webpages ) and the educational setup around the project.

Photo of Abey Thomas

Abey Thomas

Poster & Program Design


Photo: UiB

Photo of Saurabh Kumar

Saurabh Kumar

Coffin & Program 2017

Photo: UiB

Photo of Anna Kukielka

Anna Kukielka

Fossil and Lungfish Cocoons

Photo of Jarle H. Moe

Jarle H. Moe


Photo of Dominika Minkacz – Sira

Dominika Minkacz – Sira

Choreographer (2018)

Skuespiller, dukkefører, instruktør, leder av Open Window Theatre Bergen. Utdannet ved Teaterhøyskole AST i Polen. Jeg lager familieforestilinger i samarbeid med norske og utenlandske kunstnere. Jeg samarbeider også med andre teatre, jobber som instruktør og holder workshops innen figurteater.

Kompaniet lager familieforestillinger fyllt med humor og varme, og leker seg i møtet mellom figurteater, animasjon, musikk og skuespill. Vårt fokus er å lage moderne forestillinger med interaksjon mellom lyd og bilde basert på en blanding av sceneframførelse og nye medier.

Sammen med skuespillere og dukkefører med forskjellige bakgrunner, prøver vi å fortelle historier som er både morsomme og komplekse samtidig som de tar opp dagsaktuelle temaer som også er relevante for barn. En av våre tanker er å invitere publikum til et rike full av fantasi uten at de skal begrenses av deres daglige handlinger. Open Window Theatre bruker fine, rene og visuelle uttrykk i sitt arbeid, men samtidig ønsker vi å ta opp viktige tema som barn kan både oppdage, le av og se alvoret i.

Se videoer her, her og der.

Facebook: Open Window Theatre

Photo of Kristine Klubben

Kristine Klubben

The original "Jackie Club"

Kristine Klubben studied at The Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Being a versatile earthling, she has blown her trumpet and lifted her voice both as a singer and interviewer of freedom fighters. Her whole body is her instrument, as seen in F2M.

Photo by Ketil Born

Photo of Anette Rønhovde

Anette Rønhovde

Choir (2017)

Photo by Jarle H. Moe

Photo of Meathook


Guitarist (2017)

Photo by Jarle H. Moe

Photo of Yngve van der Meeren

Yngve van der Meeren

Yngve van der Meeren is a ship mechanic, and at the time a student at Bergen Maritime Fagskole. His interests include DIY Projects, 3D, concept design, and SciFi. He has helped the project with props before, and is available as a handyman if help is needed."